sábado, 25 de noviembre de 2017

Sports in our lives

Sports play an important role in our lives, they're a way to get free from the constant pressure related to job or study and get rest our mind for a couple minutes. They can make you feel less stressed and happier because they release endorphins and also, they're an instance to share with the family or friends, enjoyning the company of our dear beings. Additionally, playing sports help people  to stay in a good shape and keep a good health.

In Chile, we don't have a view of long term about sports. It's still needed to undertsand they're a cheap way to improve our lifestyle. In respect to  childs in social risk, they can make the difference between becoming a good person or a delinquent, it's sad but true.

When I was a child I played soccer with my friends from the neighborhood. At school, I practiced basketball and soccer, in that context I remember how happy I fel when we won the soccer championship in the fourth grade. But not all was happiness, when I was in a championship in another city I got a leg broken, it was really painful.

My favorite sport is soccer, I played it since I was a child and a love to watch soccer matches on tv, specially the Chile's national soccer team matches. Moreover, I like to play soccer video games, my current favorite is Pro Evolution Soccer, but when I was a child it was Internatinal Superstar Soccer. Depending of the sport, you need to have different skills, but often, the most required skills are good phisical conditions and a fast mind.

miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Postgradute Studies

I would like to take postgraduate classes about behavioral finance or behavioral economics at a USA university. The state of the art in economics is pointing to this new paradigm and this area has experienced an accelerated development in the last thirty years, changing many scientists' line of research. This means that if I want to be up to date I need to study these topics as soon as possible. In that case, I would prefer to stay at the USA while I am studying rather than taking online lessons, but I probably would need a scholarship or another funding support because courses are very expensive; another way to achieve this goal is to get a job, but it seems to be a hard task, it's not easy to work and to study simultaneously in a foreign country, although it's not impossible. Finally, I think that I could add value to society through the creation of articles and academic papers applied to local topics of interest with chilean data, explaining puzzles with a novel point of view.

Resultado de imagen para behavioral economics

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

My Future Job

I'm studying a major in Business and Administration, specifically in finance. For this reason, I think my future job will be related to economics or finance, but there's a lot of paths to follow in these areas. 
I would like to have a job where I could be in touch with other people, contributing to society and making the world a better place to live. In this context, an academic career or public policy sound like the perfect jobs, they would let me to travel to diferent countries, increasing human capital and specializing in different topics. The salary wouln't be a problem, I don't have expensive taste and I'd be willing to accept a fair wage.  

domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017


It's hard to say what my favorite style of music is. I usually listen to differents types of music, singers and styles, depending of the mood; when I'm feeling nostalgic, I prefer to listen to 90's music, but when I'm feeling happy or full of energy, the songs that I listen to are frequently progressive like "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin or a more aggresive stuff like "Enter Sandman" by Metallica or "Du Hast" by Rammstein. A few years ago hip hop was my favorite style, but in the most recents years I've been listening to classic and progressive rock, metal or the classic ones like "The Beatles" or "Rolling Stones".
The most of the times, my study time is accompanied by quite music and my relaxing time by classic rock.


miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

A Country I Would Like to Visit

I would like to visit Egypt. It's a country with a long story, it even appears in the Bible!
I've always been attracted to its culture. I grew up watching mummies or pyramids in films and documentaries about the myths sorrounding the tombs of the pharaohs. Another important reason is that I've heard that the prices are very low, the food is cheap and tours are not so expensive. In this context, I'd be able to spend several days touring historical sites.
Finally, I must confess that I would love to know a country so exotic and different from Chile.

martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

My favorite movie

My favorite movie is definitely "The Godfather", it's one of the best dramas I've ever seen. The characters' personality evolves with the development of the story, dialogues can get the attention of the viewer from the beginning to the end and the music can transport you to the 30's, creating a special environment. Leaving aside the fact that the families' businesses are illegal and they belong to the mafia, the way they respect each other in a large part of the film is one of a kind. Marlon Brando and Al Pacino's performances are amazing, they are able to change from hapiness to sadness in just a second, moreover they can express rage or pleasantness even when they don't pronounce any word. Finally, needless to say, "The Godfather" is considered a classic film.


miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

A place I have visited

If I had to choose a place in the world as the best, I think that I would choose Pichilemu because it’s a perfect mix between a rural zone and a beach.
I visited this place about ten years ago and I loved it. There are many things to do there. On one hand you have the chance to do typical beach activities like swimming or playing tennis, on the other hand you can do countryside activities, for example: to ride a horse or just to walk around and see trees and animals.
People are very nice in Pichilemu, there is hardly anyone bothering other people in the public thoroughfare. That’s a good reason to visit it, especially if someone needs to rest in a quiet and silent place.
Likewise, Pichilemu is a very famous place between suffers, they say that the best waves of the world are there. So, if you are a fan of aquatic or extreme sports you can have a lot of fun.