miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Postgradute Studies

I would like to take postgraduate classes about behavioral finance or behavioral economics at a USA university. The state of the art in economics is pointing to this new paradigm and this area has experienced an accelerated development in the last thirty years, changing many scientists' line of research. This means that if I want to be up to date I need to study these topics as soon as possible. In that case, I would prefer to stay at the USA while I am studying rather than taking online lessons, but I probably would need a scholarship or another funding support because courses are very expensive; another way to achieve this goal is to get a job, but it seems to be a hard task, it's not easy to work and to study simultaneously in a foreign country, although it's not impossible. Finally, I think that I could add value to society through the creation of articles and academic papers applied to local topics of interest with chilean data, explaining puzzles with a novel point of view.

Resultado de imagen para behavioral economics

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Gonzalo!

    That's a great theme! I think that behavioral economics or behavioral finance are very important for everyone, and they should be used to educate people and develop a better economic ethic. Do you think is necessary to create an "ethical code" before developing those areas? Otherwise, even if those topics have a scientific approach, the conflicts of interest can't be minimized. So we would to add "Ethics" to "Economics" and "Psychology" for a Behavioral economics focused on people and their rational decision-making.
